

成軍於加拿大蒙特內爾的北方龐克新勢力 Simple Plan 由主音 Pierre Bouvier,吉他手 Jeff Stinco 與 Sbastien Lefebvre,低音吉他手 David Desrosiers 以及鼓手 Chuck Comeau 五人締結而成。自高中時期即相識為友的 Pierre Bouvier 以及 Chuck Comeau 早在 1995 年便已經以 Reset 為名,跨出他們闖蕩音樂世界的第一步,並於 1997 及 1999 年分別推出 No Worries 及 No Limits 兩張專輯。隨著低音結他手 David Desrosiers 加入樂隊,團名正式改為 Simple Plan,並隨即於 2001 年參與了每年一度的 Vans Warped Tour。此刻的 Simple Plan 奉上一種力道十足的熾熱 punk 樂音色。Simple Plan 首張大碟 No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls 於 2002 年推出,全球熱賣四百萬張。大熱單曲包括 I'm just a kid、
I'd do anything、Addicted 及 Perfect 。樂隊隨後於 2004 及 2008 年推出第二、三張大碟 Still Not Getting Any 及 Simple Plan。

樂迷密切期待的第四張大碟 Get Your Heart On! 將於今年6月21日推出。首支單曲 “Can't Keep My Hands Off You”找來著名樂隊Weezer主唱Rivers Cuomo合唱,最新單曲 “Jet Lag” 與全英音樂獎&葛萊美獎提名的最佳女歌手Natasha Bedingfield合唱,歌曲充滿了青春與活力。 Simple Plan這張專輯載滿充沛能量,並牽引出多首屬於年輕世代的主題曲!樂隊亦鐵定今夏舉行巡迴演出。



整張官網試聽 點我點我


(之前的MSN Blog的文章有200多篇搬家來Pixnet之後我根本沒空也不知道怎麼整理之前的文)




You Suck At Love歌詞

We started off incredible
Connection undeniable
I swear I thought you were the one forever

But your love was like a loaded gun
You shot me down like everyone
'Cause everyone's replaceable
When you're just so incapable
Of getting past skin deep

Guess what, another game over
I got burned, but you're the real loser
(Hey) I don't know why
(Hey) I've wasted my time with you

You're bad news, a history repeating
You can't trust a serial cheating
You're good at hooking up but you suck at love

You suck at love

You played my like an **
Then stabbed me like a murderer
I'm left for dead, another one of your victims

It's not like you're unpredictable
But your act is so believable
I know it's nothing personal, it's just business as usual
You're good at what you do

Guess what, another game over
I got burned, but you're the real loser
(Hey) I don't know why
(Hey) I've wasted my time with you

You're bad news, a history repeating
You can't trust a serial cheating
轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網 
You're good at hooking up but you suck at love

You suck at love

Now I kinda feel bad for you

You're never gonna know
What it's like to have someone to turn to
Another day, another bed
It's just a game inside your head

Guess what, another game over
I got burned, but you're the real loser
(Hey) I don't know why
(Hey) I've wasted my time with you

You're bad news, a history repeating
You can't trust a serial cheating
You're good at hooking up but you suck at love

Guess what, another game over
I got burned, but you're the real loser
(Hey) I don't know why
(Hey) I've wasted my time with you
(I've wasted my time with you)

You're bad news, a history repeating
You can't trust a serial cheating
You're good at hooking up
(You're good at hooking up)
You've messed this whole thing up
(You've messed this whole thing up)
Well you were such an awesome **
But you suck at love
You suck at love


SP這次顛覆龐克傳統的喧鬧吵雜,從第一主打When I’m gone貫穿到最後一首What If,首首熱血又動聽,既不失龐克元素,更加引領流行,當中還有幾首賺人熱淚的歌曲,字字唱進樂迷心坎裡! 

Simple Plan的好聽已經超越Green Day啦,希望華納音樂呀,也可以像主打LP(聯合公園)那樣放大簡單計劃,讓更多人認識他們,喜歡他們! 


    simpleplan 簡單計畫 龐克
    創作者 Nora_Tsai 的頭像

    No Rock No LIfe

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